Once all the planning for your exhibition design is done, that’s including the main stand and accessories, what’s next?
The event planning role is a complex and diverse role, but once you have selected your displays there’s still work to be done. Choosing your stand and creating the artwork is the opportunity to get the pretty bit done, but who’s going to see it if they don’t know you’re going?
Of course, a lot of people will be attending the event you go to, so attendee’s will see the stand – but are they from your target audience and is there potential for them to become a customer? It’s hard to say but there’s more that can be done to market your event and let existing customers know what you’re up to.
Use the time before the event to get the word out there about the event you are attending and entice them to come to the event and join you. There are various ways to reach out to your customers, here’s a few to get you started.
Send emails to your customers
Nothing beats an old-fashioned free email. Create a newsletter or email to let your customers know that you will be at the event. Make the email fun, bright and something they won’t forget. Remember to add the date and stand number so you’re easy to find on the day.
Add it on social media
Spread the word across your social media platforms to start a buzz and gain some interest. The beauty of social media is the number of users it can reach. Use your platforms to speak to existing customers but also use the opportunity to target new potential customers, you never know who might see it!
Make it personal (invite selected customers)
If you’re sending your newsletter or email out, you’re already on to a good start. But if you have customer’s you speak to regularly and have a good rapport with, it’s a nice idea to send them a personalised invite.
To send a targeted personalised invite can work wonders, as it shows you know your customer and that you value them to take the time to create something just for them.
Promotional Give Away
Another way to draw attention to your stand and company is to launch a promotional give away. After all, who doesn’t love a freebie. It’s a clever way to gain subscribers and comments as well as giving someone the chance to win a gift.
This works well for the future as your audience will be larger – so your regular posts will also be seen by more. |
https://www.go-displays.co.uk/ |