The control of the quality of food has become very strict in these modern times, but there is a good reason for that. First of all, an enormous amount of chemicals are used in the production process of fruit and vegetables, for example. It is very important that their use is properly controlled. An excessive amount of pesticides can be very harmful. So it is a question of safety. The second reason for the strict controls is that they are possible today. There are plenty of labs offering their services for pesticide analysis of fruit and vegetables. Be sure to read on to find out which specialist we recommend. This lab helps you with reliable analysisIf you would like to have a pesticide analysis of fruit carried out, it is not a bad idea to go with the specialists of Primoris. They have the certificates and equipment to guarantee reliable tests. In addition, you can also call on them for the control of, for instance, animal feed. The quality of the lab results of the lab are certified by the German Quality System, the Belgian Federal Food Safety Agency and the Dutch BIOKAP organisation. Besides checking the pesticide content, they also check for the presence of mycotoxins. A whole series of protocols are linked to this control as well. Fortunately, at Primoris you can be sure that all tests are always carried out correctly. Call on the services of the labYou can count on reliable results from Primoris when having a pesticide analysis done on fruit. The services of the laboratory are often called upon by companies that sell food themselves, but also by supermarkets that resell it. This is quite logical, because if the food sold by the supermarket does not fully comply with the standards, there can be severe penalties. Fortunately, you can easily avoid these by having tests carried out. | |